Home Service Butler
lpoulain@neuf.fr Mobile: + 33 6 18 81 96 96 Auto-entrepreneur
Quality Chart: Rigor, Skills, Know-how
Enjoy a taylor-made service, 24hours a day - 7 days a week.
(Butler extra service in France and worldwide)
My high-end catering expertise in London, Tokyo and Paris, brings me today to a substansive establishment of partnersships with compagnies, Embassies, private Conciergeries and private individuals.
For international patrons, i master English and Japanese.
I put my skills to your disposition and thus i let you free of any technical consideration, i provide you with top-notch service adapted to your desires.
I master every service technique, together we will agree on the style most suitable to your event.
* Platter service
* American service
* Service under a bell
* Russian service
* French service
* Beaumont styled service
My outfit will be adapted to the occasion.
* Waistcoat, black tie and apron (brasseur style)
* White jacket, black tie
* Black suite and tie
* Tuxedo, bowtie
* Frac (tail coat, white bowtie and gloves)
For greater private or professional events, i provide you with:
A skilled personnel,
From the butler, for a net service, to the chef, ready to compose a menu adjusted to your desires.
The caterer corresponding to your wishes and to your budget:
For a successful luncheon or diner cocktail.
An appointment prior to the day of the event is planned to define your expectations.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me to discuss together the organisation of your event and obtain any useful advice for the former's success, your may also refer back to my page "contact"
Price rates for a butler (auto-entrepreneur)
(VAT not applicable, article 293B from the CGI)
- 50€ per hour (for a minimum of 4 hours)
- 280€ for a 6 hours rate (before 12 AM, later than that, an hour will be invoiced at a nighttime rate).
- 50€ per extra daytime hour (before 12 AM)
- 60€ per extra nighttime hour (after 12 AM)
Same rate for saturday, Sunday and bank holidays
Pricing for the date of 24th and 25th of december and New Year 's Eve.
- 500 € for a 6 hours performance(6 PM/12 AM)
- 90 € per extra daytime hour (before 12 AM)
- 100 € per extra nighttime hour (after 12 AM)
- 900 € for a 12 hours rate (6 PM/6 AM)
Travel indemnity:
Outside Paris, an additional kilometric charge might be requested from you.
Payment means:
Cash, Cheque, Paypal
Unfolding of the service:
For a served meal: (recommended, a butler for 10 persons)
* Advised time to arrival: an hour prior to the arrival of your guests,
* Set up for a smooth service,
* Guest reception, cloak room
* Service of the starters,
* Service of the wines
* Service of the dishes(American service, french service, English service, Russian service, if possible)
* Coffee service
* Clearing up of the venue
For a diner cocktail: (recommanded, a butler for 25 persons)
* Advised time of arrival: an hour and a half prior to the arrival of your guests,
* Table présentation in the dining room: laying of the table ans buffet set up,
* Présentation of the cocktail pieces (dependent on your caterer)
* Drinks service,
* Canapés (hot and cold) service,
* Regular clearing-off,
* Handling in (including counting) of the rental equipment,
Laurent, home service butler: + 33 6 18 81 96 96
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